Thursday, January 7, 2010

2000 - 2009 RIP

Most of us watch with some interest the various lists that always accompany the end of a year. This year we had the additional lists of the end of a decade. I'm always interested in and always regret the people we have lost in the last year or in this case, the last decade. I was thinking of this and decided to dedicate this blog to the people that I've personally lost in the last decade. Some of these are people I've been arm and arm with and others are people I've brushed up against. If I've forgotten someone, and I'm sure I have please leave a comment on the post.

In no particular order:
My mother, Virginia Lee Davis Jackson Holliday
Jordan "Dad" Smith, band mate, cool drummer and great friend.
My best friend in high school , Richard Dunn
Our neighbor across the alley, Marilyn
Watson Powell Jr. the Chairman of the Board of American Republic Ins. Co. who single handedly picked me out of the mass to start up a brand new Agency in Arizona - therefore changing my life.
Molly the beagle. Her of the soulful eyes and overwhelming bray of a bark.
Hazel and Ben Sprague, Carol's grandparents on her mother's side.
Aunt Betty Henneberry, Carol's father's sister.

Many of our friends lost parents in the last decade, including;

Cindy Bennett's father.
Cindy King's father.
Brent Robinson's parents.
Bob Place's mother.
Greg Cooper's parents.
John Duval's father.

In tribute I've written the following;

The Journey

when I came slippery and wrinkled into that light
and the jolt made me fill my lungs for the first time
to cry aloud my first opinion
and the metallic snip of those scissors
left me alone and disconnected
when I came slippery and wrinkled into that light
I had nothing

But opportunity

when I leave, wrinkled and tired
and the sudden slow decline gets beyond my control
and those that will be watching will have that look
and even if I didn't know I was going I would know by that
when I leave, in that final jolt that will empty my lungs for the last time
and the sterile wheeze of the room
will be my last memory
I will have nothing
but the hope
I didn't

my opportunity

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